Immersed, the team behind the titular XR productivity and co-working app, announced Visor last month, a slim and light VR headset designed for work. Now the studio has opened “fully refundable” pre-orders for two distinct flavors of the device.

Immersed is offering a 2.5K per-eye Visor model for $500 and a 4K per-eye Visor model for $750. Besides including different resolution OLED microdisplays, functionally both models are the same. The company is also offering a Founder’s Edition Visor 4K for $1,000, which is said to ship six months before the standard Visor 4K.

Immersed says on the website both 2.5K and 4K headsets include:

  • Hand & eye tracking

  • 6 Degrees of freedom
  • 5+ Screens
  • 100° Field of view
  • Ultra widescreen
  • Custom IPD, nose-insert, and light-blocker
  • 25% lighter than a smartphone
  • HD Color Passthrough
  • Stems & strap attachments Included
Image courtesy Immersed

It’s still early days, it seems. The Visor hardware is said to be “both wired and wireless,” indicating it has onboard processing for mobile VR experiences and a battery, however the company hasn’t released any specs yet on chipset or battery life.

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The company says headsets are custom-built for each user however, which includes locking in each user’s interpupillary distance (IPD) and shipping nose inserts and light blockers which are “closest to your face’s shape,” Immersed says in the product’s description.

As for shipment dates, so far Immersed says it’s slated to “commence and continue [shipment] throughout 2024.” What’s more, Immersed says it’s offering those pre-orders as “full refundable reservations.”

Here’s the fine print:

Refund Policy: Preorders are fully refundable reservations. You may cancel your reservation at any time before your Visor is produced and receive a full refund to the original payment method by emailing Due to the custom-built nature of Visor, fulfillment time will vary and shipment dates are our best estimates. Delays, if any, will be communicated via email.

You can pre-order and find more on the Immersed Visor website.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Naruto Uzumaki

    lcd or micro old?

    • Garhert

      Micro OLED

  • ViRGiN

    DecaGear also promised “refundable” reservations, for just $10 and of course noone has ever seen one.

    Here they also present only renders, and in classic scammy fashion, they exclusively had interview with MRTV – oh boy you should have seen MRTV face when guy from Immersed was telling him about affiliate links/recommendations to get free headset – he literally was calculating millions he could make through his channel and “trymytech” lol.

    This headset is too good to be true, has no shipping date, noone has ever used it, immersed itself is a piss poor app, and 4k per eye is still awful for productivity. There is no real work done here. They focus more on looking acceptable in the cafe – they said it themselves – yet the acceptable form factor will be difficult to enjoy for more than 30 minutes, you gotta use headstrap. The passthrough won’t be high quality or in proper 3D. They should have made a great productivity headset with flipup, instead of attempting to make it look like from BTTF or something.

    This is really aimed at immersed users – which I dont know any and my time with it was horrible, completly unituitive, and the quality/resolution/comfort simply isn’t there on anything to this day. Whenever I hear about people working in VR, i always cringe. It might be cool, but it’s not productive. And you certainly aint getting shit done in a cafe, sitting on a crappy sofa, hunching over your overheating laptop and use the touchpad. C-R-I-N-G-E.

    All of the computing is in the battery pack, but they still don’t even say if you can just plug PS5 into it. Millions of missed opportunities. This could potentially be good Android virtual tablet – after all it’s said to have XR2, so build an operating system around it!

    I’ll consider this scam, until I have one myself in my hands.

    But yeah, if it’s on MRTV = NO BUY.

    • Andrey

      Lol, I just remembered DecaGear the other day myself and was like “Hmm, when another VR-related scam will arrive? The niche is empty now and quite for some time too!” Actually there is another scam ongoing right now – and from japanese “developers” of DecaGear’s main rival – HalfDive! Though now it’s not even a headset, it’s just a little device that produces vibration placed on the side of your hand for, you know… more vibration. But now it’s aimed on business only! And still needs a kickstart… Can you imagine the jump from a “revolutionary” lying-down VR-headset with eye-tracking, MicroLED displays and other crap they promised to a simple vibrating thingy?
      In case of this headset… Well, looking at Bigscreen and their Beyond I can imagine that it is somewhat real. I believe Immersed should have some finances on them just like Bigscreen’s developers to actually develop and produce such a thing, at least in small quantities. But of course I would never pre-order anything before the real thing is shown in action (and not only on manufacturere’s official site/YouTube channel and so on) or even released and reviewed by non-affilated people who won’t sell their soul literally to anyone for a hundred of bucks and a free device to hand it on a wall as an addition to their collection behind them.

      • ViRGiN

        Hey, I’ll respect Half-Dive because they DID reach their initial goal, and still decided to cancel the project. They could (and should have) let it pass and just get away with all the money without consequences.

        I’d rather pay double for Visor when it’s actually deliverable “the next day” rather than tying up my money right now for something to release “in 2024”. Of course it’s not going to come out, except maybe a handful of units, but that will be a good thing cause they will make it better than before as all manufacturers always claim to do, plus don’t forget about chip shortage and that they aren’t the scale of Meta.

        There are more scams on the horizon – like the Somnium Space. I don’t think they will ever come out with anything, but they claim not to take preorders.

        Bigscreen was also a surprise come-out, but after all it’s just display+lenses, with everything else being handled by SteamVR and PC, so it’s an order of magnitude more realistic to produce than standalone chip driven inside-out tracked headset.

        More VR scams – Lynx R1 still have not delivered a single unit
        NOFIO still has not came out to even “youtubers”, and they already announced partnership with Bigscreen.

        • Patrick

          I’m also worried and quite skeptical about these glasses, but seeing Intel’s CEO present this in a conference should be quite reassuring no ? He would not risk intel’s or his reputation.

          • ViRGiN

            Maybe, but if they are partners with Intel then why do preorders/reservations? Not confidence inspiring.

          • Patrick

            I think he implied they are affected as every tech company by the shortage in chips etc which is believable, he also said that they are aiming for early 2024, I’m tempted to pre-order, not sure if they will increase the price of the glasses after the pre-order phase. Also something to take into consideration is that they can use the strategy valve has for the steadmeck. Their glasses work with their app which costs 5 euros per month, the free version does not even go to 1080p, so getting the visor means ultimately paying those 5 euros per month

          • ViRGiN

            Which makes it always-online device, which is horrible.
            There is basically nothing known about the device, not even weight, or what pixel pattern it uses. Not even resolution. We don’t even know if it’s native DP connection when plugged into a PC, or it’s all compressed through USB. Literally nothing.

            Immersed app absolutetly sucked when I used it, and it’s hard to find pricing on their website currently. It definietly isn’t 5 euros per month. It doesn’t even make sense to charge pennies.

            Valve benefits from having a monopoly over PC entertainment and massive hundreds of millions userbase. Immersed does not have that luxury.

            Again, Immersed is selling a dream while being absolutetly vague about everything. Who is making the eye tracking? How good is it, what does it do?

            But above all, working in VR is a gimmick. No amount of virtual screens will compare to a single 32″+ 4k monitor. Yes, monitor isn’t portable like the Visor potentially is, but it gets real work done at real comfort. All this marketing appears to be for VR hipsters sitting in starbucks seeking attention.

            They already want money while they have nothing to offer.

            Chip shortages aren’t any of the customers problems – it’s been long time since covid, and it’s just a perfect excuse for everything. They partnered with Intel. If Intel can’t help them to get the product on time rather than vague “early 2024”, then I don’t have confidence and I can with full confidence predict they will find “issues” with their product long after taking the money, even something as silly as the nose bridge piece of plastic, adding to delays.

        • twaway

          > *Lynx R1 still have not delivered a single unit*

          You may want to review the target of your trolling. Lynx started sending factory-built R1 devices last week, and several backers have posted images of the units they have received.

          • ViRGiN

            Stop trolling and shilling. They claimed to start shipping multiple weeks ago and quick glance at their Kickstarter shows zero presence of arrival as per comment section.

            What’s up with all these fake news? Someone else claimed that bigscreen is already in the hands of hundreds of customers.

          • fropen

            Lynx delivered.

          • ViRGiN

            I’ve seen a single video, posted recently, so waaaaaay after i posted it. On Kickstarter nobody commented to have received one. It’s been weeks.
            You also forgot to mention that the microphone doesn’t even work after years of delay.

            No, thru didn’t deliver. Neither the units, or on their promises. It’s a dead company.

      • KRAKEN

        DecaGear wasn’t a scam, it was a failed start up.
        The actual company existed, had employees that worked, they had a real product that they sold, but they failed to make VR headset a reality

        • ViRGiN

          It was a scam 10000%.
          You are pathethic.

          • KRAKEN

            Wrong, they just failed making a VR headset, they sold other accessories, people worked, developed.
            You have no idea what Scam is, they asked for like 10$ to take your place in line sure "huge" scam
            10$ ROFL, are you from africa?

          • ViRGiN

            So where are the $10 refunds? LMAO!
            They took so little cause they knew tons of people will sign up for “refundable” $10 than if it was let’s say $99.
            Noone started a lawsuit over $10, and that’s what they were banking on. Have you seen their office? Their registered address? You are pathethic idiot, and I have snake oil to sell to you.

            They “developed” something completely unrelated, BILLION times more simple product of wearable gyroscope in super LOW quantities at very low quality, they failed to deliver tons of units for it as well. They developed it purposfully so idiots like YOU will go ahead and shame the messengers with your toxic “haha how can it be a scam when they already delivered a strap?? lmao facebook fanboys”.

            You are a stain on entire online community.

          • KRAKEN

            “tons” of people, there are not enough people in all VR community to support game studios, and they get closed down, so “ton of people” subscribing for HMD is probably between 500 to 1000.
            There are no refunds because thats what happens when you go bankrupt, there is no more money.
            These people sold actual products, a VR sensor, they had development team behind it, but their problem was that they overestimated the market, its a startup, and if it doesn’t make money, nobody invests in it.
            You clearly crazy conspiracy nut from a small town, if you think that 10$ is real money and that a company of people would scam for such small sum of money.
            If they wanted to scam you they would open Kickstarter and IGG, take the money and run, this is how you scam, not taking 10$

          • ViRGiN

            you are an idiot, stay delusional champ.

    • Cl

      Mrtv even said he can’t recommend buying it until he gets a working unit in his hand. Not sure why you don’t like the guy, his videos are alright.

      I will say that I bought rokid max based on his recommendation, but got scammed due to their crappy customer service. Can’t really blame him for that though.

      • ViRGiN

        Because he wants one immediatly.
        He is advertising everything. Claims to be independent reviewer while running business and partnering with everyone possible except for Meta (Meta absolutetly does not need him).
        There is a conflict of interest. He used to hate pimax after their fallout, then they shook hands and now he is full pro-pimax again.

        Now Varjo dropped their price to under 1000 and guess what, immediatly Varjo video with affiliate link.

        He isn’t even an enthusiast. He found a niche among simmers who are so blind to even notice that he is incapable of flying – he just spawns mid air, flies high above and just turns left and right LMAO!
        When he was testing a racing game at pimax headquarter, he didn’t even realise it was using manual gearbox and he had no idea how to switch gears.

        He and his best buddy flight vr sim guy even called out other YouTubers who did not have a pleasant time with Pimax as “pimax haters”.

        • kraeuterbutter

          whats interesting: you realy dont like that guy from MRTV… still you seem to watch his videos..
          how does that come?

          • ViRGiN

            I find his cringe a guilty pleasure, and sometimes he is the first source of information, like with hp g2.
            You gotta watch stuff to have right to speak about something. Plus you can watch it in faster speed.

      • ViRGiN

        If he doesn’t recommend visor – he shouldn’t be posting AFFILIATE LINKS TO IT ALREADY!
        He actually went ahead and added the link. So please, stop shilling for his idiocy and obvious conflict of interest.
        Sebastian Ang is the biggest VRtard!

    • Mike

      I don’t think it’s too good to be true. It’s not as good as Bigscreen Beyond, and is a lot cheaper. The Beyond is already in consumers’ hands, and its reviews are very positive.

      • ViRGiN

        What consumer hands?
        No consumer has received anything yet. It’s all part of promotion to influencers.

        And yes, Visor is too good to be true. And it’s so good that noone has seen anything other than Immersed marketing and going exclusively to MRTV which is known for shilling literally everything but Meta, even though he toned down his Meta hate after realising Meta is 120% of VR industry.

      • Chris

        with no need for external tracking stations and standalone ability for media consumption, this thing is potentially WAY more useful than the big screen beyond, which is too expensive and too reliant on having lots of other expensive third party hardware just to use the thing.

        • Mike

          Those are definitely trade-offs. Still, the Beyond has better specs.

          • kraeuterbutter

            what specs are better on the beyond?

          • Mike

            Resolution, by a lot.
            Weight – around 40% lighter
            FOV slightly.

      • ViRGiN

        It's a scam.

  • Rudl Za Vedno

    Varjo Aero just got a massive pricedrop. It now costs $999 or $/€1179 incl taxes!

    • ViRGiN

      Valve Index should increase the price now. It looks too cheap next to everything else.

    • Ookami

      yeah, that’s pretty wild. If I was in the market for upgrading my headset, I might’ve jumped on the offer.

  • Cl

    I’m interested in this, but like the beyond, I’ll wait til we at least see a working unit in a reviewers hand before I preorder. I have hopes this is real considering intel and Qualcomm are sort of backing it.

    • ViRGiN

      Worth remembering, pimax claimed to work with valve, and yet there is no pimax compatibility anywhere on steam mentioned.

      DecaGear was also claiming working with valve.

    • Mike

      Hmm, what do you mean about the BigScreen Beyond? It’s been in reviewers hands for like 6 months, and now hundreds of consumers have already received theirs.

      • ViRGiN

        Wow, hundreds of consumers, and I can’t find a single one other than wannabe-influencers.

      • Cl

        Sorry, I might have worded it wrong. I didn’t order the beyond until there were review units. I have it on order now.

        • Mike

          Oh, I see.

  • Octogod

    This is a niche of a niche of a niche. It has all the probability of success of the Bigscreen Beyond.

    • kraeuterbutter

      for now its not real – only talking about it..
      but: IF this thing can do what they claim..
      than i dont think it is niche of a niche of a niche..

      for now working on Desktop is not realy good possible:
      on VR Headset resolution is too low…
      on the lightweight AR-Goggles (Rockit ….) the FOV is small, often no 6dof or even 3dof

      100° FOV, 6dof AND 4k displays with good colors.. for a “not expensive” price…
      that could open that “working with VR-Deskop”
      it could be a good toy for watching videos/movies as well
      and it could be a great option for Switch, STeamdeck and co

      so if it works as claimed: i think it could open a big market.. maybe even more than VR-headsets today which are often said to have
      a) too less of resolution
      b) are too heavy for the head

      a optional headstrap i think would still be a good idea even when this thing weights sub 200g

      • ViRGiN

        The thing is they focus exclusively on “productivity” and did not say anything about something as simple as plugging HDMI/DP device to have it’s screen virtualized.
        So if this form factor with its features is true, they still missed the potential of turning it into at the very least Android VR tablet.
        4k per eye is still too low for any real work done.

      • Octogod

        Everything has the potential to be a hot selling device, but people’s hopes rarely translate to reality.

        The market demand just isn’t there today.

      • Octogod

        This exact argument has been used for nearly ten years across dozens of headsets.

        Let’s check back in a few years and see if this was the revolution.

  • fcpw

    The hardware is the easy part- the customer support and the rich ecosystem of developers are the hard part and I see neither happening at all with this…

    • ViRGiN

      If you watched the interview you would realise none of that is of any interest. It’s not a gaming headset. It’s not an open marketplace headset. It’s a headset for their own Immersed app, but it’s not a locked system so you can do whatever you want to do with it.

      • fcpw

        If so then it sounds like a very limited appeal. So many of these products just look like proof of concepts looking for investor money…

  • $500 for all those features sounds a bit too little for me…

  • xyzs

    Show a working prototype and let it be reviewed first…

    Because that really looks like a scam.

    4k per eye oled, with eye tracking, and ultralight for 750 dollars… even Meta and Apple couldn’t achieve that.

  • If the Bigscreen people can do it, I suppose others can as well. But it’s design seems a little sketchy, and the videos I’m finding on YouTube seem VERY sketchy. Most of them seem like paid ads.

    Also, I feel like I need to sit down with these Silicon Valley people and explain to them that the world runs on Windows, not Apple. Yah, in your little universe of clueless smugness, you like your expensive toys and buy into that fake elite attitude the guy at the Apple store talked you into… but actual work is done in Windows.

    • ViRGiN

      I don’t think comparison to Bigscreen is justified here – BS is basically a “dumb” headset, powered fully by PC, while Immersed has to run at least some processing locally, that’s why there is XR2 inside. Given that fact alone, it’s “too good to be true”, and going onto shill MRTV channel makes it sound like a pure cash grab.

    • Zantetsu

      What a gross comment.